Sunday, May 15, 2011

What is “Green Drinks” Anyway?

What is “Green Drinks” Anyway?

When I first heard about events called “Green Drinks” I assumed there was an actual green drink that was the focus of the gathering. I thought  “Green Drinks” was just a local group who got together around these seemingly mysterious green beverages. My curiosity was peaked. I am a big fan of green drinks: green tea, green vegetable juice-even the occasional wheat grass shot. So, I definitely wanted to find out more about these “Green Drinks” events that I had heard about and try one of these drinks for myself.

Well, if you have been to an actual “Green Drinks” you know that it is all about connecting with people, and the drinks may or may not actually be green. There is no actual green drink; but, something much more interesting.

Brief History of Green Drinks

It all began in 1989, at a pub called The Slug and Lettuce in northern London, when Edwin Datschefski along with Yorick Benjamin and Paul Scott, all green design colleagues, recognized a few others at the pub that they knew were interested and involved in sustainability. The group began a conversation around “green” and something extraordinary happened. The concept of environmentally minded people meeting together every month, in a casual environment to share and discuss green, that started that night in northern London, spread globally. Datschefski took the initiative to support this effort and in 2001 created an official Website called Green Drinks and now moderates over 700 Green Drinks all over the world. They are a great opportunity to talk and network with others interested in sustainability and local green issues, in a casual and friendly setting. It also serves as great place to job search, make friends, develop ideas and learn about the newest eco-friendly trends.

In 2002, New York City was the first official Green Drinks in the United States. Norwalk Green Drinks was started by Remy Chevalier in 2004.

Fairfield Green Drinks
Fairfield Green Drinks has been around for almost three years and meets the first Tuesday of the month at The Shack Hometown Grill, from 6:00-8:00pm. Fairfield Green Drinks is very casual, all are welcome and there is no charge to attend. Our June Green Drinks will feature Michael Trahan of Solar Connecticut, Inc., who will be on hand to answer your questions about the benefits of clean, renewable solar power. We hope you can join us for a casual gathering centered around green. To RSVP, click HERE.

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